Reality TV
Good morning Canucks. Good morning, resistance. While I do feel a surge of national pride, when I view our response to Trump's threats, I am also trying to temper it by not accepting every single jingoistic op ed piece at face value. Sure, pride is good but don't lose sight of the real issue here.
Trump is a bully. And like every single bully I've ever faced, when you finally get them alone and stare them down...
...they back down.
Stand your ground, Canada.
To my American friends, don't despair: the French also had some great ideas. Vive la Révolution.
Dear USA
North America - almost 300 years of a shared land, resources, and people. Mingling around and passing through the world's longest undefended border, with no worries of armed guards with rifles pointed at you. Science, the Arts, technology, all of it flourished via collaboration and partnerships. Canada and America were the trading envy of the world.
Then something happened - the Tea Party gained popularity and were elected as members of U.S. Congress. Disrupting procedure, throwing tantrums, and generally acting like belligerent children who weren't getting their way.
These malignant elements grew, and before long you had members acting like howler monkeys while in session. MAGA supplanted the Tea Partiers, until one fateful day the Red Caps and Meal Team Six tried besieging the Capitol building while members were inside, readying to confirm election votes.
4 years later the coup would be complete, with the GOP winning the election and systematically removing social safeguards and hard-earned rights. It is happening before our eyes, with the free press such as AP being uninvited to official functions, while unregulated social media sites are broadcasting the propaganda of the Oligarchs.
It sounds fantastical when written out like that, doesn't it? It isn't a fantasy, and there are no grown-ups coming to help you. This is the 2nd time a horrible leader was elected, despite the lousy job they did the first time, despite being tried and found a Felon, all in public view.
Americans, you must quit complaining and OWN this. It's ON YOU. The rest of the world cannot fix your mess for you. Fix your electoral system, create a social safety net, increase worker wages, mandate healthcare, support education and the arts. If the Democrats and Republicans aren’t speaking for you anymore – you need a new party.
Do this, or the world will treat you like "some shithole country". You want that? No? The ball's in your court, then.
Reality TV
I never got into "reality" television. I was turned off by the way these shows would celebrate the rudest people they could find. ...
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North America - almost 300 years of a shared land, resources, and people. Mingling around and passing through the world'...
I wanted to talk about how lately I've been signing more often while at home with my partner. I'm encouraging her to take her time a...