
Popular VS Selling Out?

I've never understood the mindset that some #music fans have about an artist when they become successful. If they're still putting out music that engages, challenges, and yes - entertains you - that's a good thing. There's a difference between "selling out" & being popular.

Being popular would seem to mean that people are aware of you, discuss you, and enjoy your music.

I recall a period of time where Alternative/Goth bands/artists would say "I don't want to be popular." OK, you want to be GOOD at what you do, I get it. Still not a bad thing.


Windows 11?

PC name        Annika
Processor    Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770 CPU @ 3.40GHz
Installed RAM    20.0 GB (19.9 GB usable)
System type    64-bit operating system, x64-based processor

 I can't believe Microsoft thinks this isn't good enough for Windows 11.



I should write more. I want to - it's laziness that's winning over sometimes. The real trick to writing comes down to 2 things:
1) a topic, & 2) discipline.
Without those it's stream of consciousness writing like Michael Stipe does; only he does better it than I.
So I suppose a low key vibe like a blog is a good place to start. Sometimes longer thoughts happen & I need a place to put them that don't really fit on Twitter.


I've had a long relationship with Facebook as a user, pretty much from their start. There was a time that having a dual Facebook/Twitter...