I've been enjoying my time with the #Nintendo Switch very much. I'm getting better at gaming, considering 30 years ago I was still using quarters. During breakfast, my partner & I discussed what could be next for them? My theory: look at #MarioKartLive. It'll be an AR visor.
I've worked as a TA. What Stephen Lecce is doing to Ontario education is enabling your children to fail.
I have been able to cultivate some positive online relationships & discourse, thanks to Twitter. Like-minded folks, neatly sorted into some specific niches (with a bit of overlap). Nice, manageable & I can shut it off when I need a break. I can get breaking news, sports scores if I'm curious, the like.
I like Twitter, I enjoy using it. However, I'm indifferent if Musk buys Twitter & leaves well enough alone, but he won't. I'm thankful I still have a blog I can keep here, thanks to Google.
I Hate The Drive Through
I had a Burger King coupon for Whoppers, but their doors were locked & they're only taking drive through orders. This has happened before.
I think they've been operating with one cook, one cashier/drive thru operator. That's not sustainable. Start paying people a living wage.
I've had a long relationship with Facebook as a user, pretty much from their start. There was a time that having a dual Facebook/Twitter...
RSS feeds are a way to collect news sources that interest you. There are many ways to achieve this, from using an e-mail client to dedicated...
The last couple of weeks have culminated in blowing away my Windows 10 partition on my PC; and also updating Lineage OS on my Pixel 5. I...
I wanted to talk about how lately I've been signing more often while at home with my partner. I'm encouraging her to take her time a...