

"Woke" is not the insult they think it is because the antonyms are: lulled, hypnotized, mesmerized, et al. The racist right would have me believe that stupor is better? It is to laugh, because in their efforts to cast themselves as morally superior, they demonstrate their fragile world-view. They cannot handle change and are brittle and bitter because of that.

Keep it up, woke folks. 


Microsoft Co-Pilot

Here's my take on the Microsoft Co-Pilot AI issue.

1) Is it possible Microsoft is so disinterested in the consumer PC space it's willing to cannibalize those sales, so Windows evolves even more into an Enterprise product

2) Consumer focus is on the XBOX. If the future plans for releasing COD for the next Nintendo Switch 2 is any indication, other platforms too.

3) It's all about Azure (and virtual Office) for Microsoft now - that's where it makes its money - the enterprise.


Sorry, Elton

♪ She's got electric boobs
A Mohawk too
A little bit o' everything, oh
Benny Augmented ♫


May The 4th Be With You

An R2-D2 mug in my hand, which is currently holding a collection of pens and pencils.

R2-D2 is probably my favourite #StarWars character. Before R2 showed up, robots & Androids in films and TV shows were typically subservient, low or no vocabulary enabled machines built to perform single tasks. Star Wars Droids had personalities & attitudes, and boy did R2 ever have a 'tude.


The fascist elements on display in the USA are emboldening others to act out because they saw it on TV; they feel secure doing those things ...