
Nokia N8

I've thought about getting into 'serious' photography with traditional camera & film etc. The prime reason I got into smartphones was because I didn't have to mess with all of that other stuff.

I used the same reasoning behind adopting mp3 & epubs - less physical stuff to own. Having said all of that, the editors at Mobile Syrup have a nice write-up on the current film photography trend.
The bottom photo is my first actual smartphone (since my cell carrier informed me that it qualified as one and thus I lost my grandfathered data plan), the Nokia N8. It had a 3.5 inch screen, a 12 MP camera & that was damn impressive back in 2010. The photo itself is a point & shoot - a Canon Powershot something-or-other. It was pretty much the extent of my photography knowledge at the time. This Nokia changed all of that. I began understanding the science of light & how it affects photography a little more. The Lumia 1020 which came along a few years later upped the ante again - but that's for a later post.


I've had a long relationship with Facebook as a user, pretty much from their start. There was a time that having a dual Facebook/Twitter...