

What makes a blog nowadays? I thought it was just words at one point, however you can also have video and comment sections. I don't know how far I want to go with this yet; it's currently a place I can talk about things that interest me, without polluting my social timelines with my carefully curated ramblings. Aren't you fortunate that you found this page?

Anyhow, this blog will have a niche focus on the joys and challenges of being hard of hearing (HoH). However, sometimes I diverge & I need an outlet - some place to put my thoughts! I'm investigating the idea of YouTube videos, but I do not know if I could sustain the demand of something like a YT channel. I haven't tried anything yet, though.

I need to teach my old school PS/2 trained hands where to go when typing on this Bluetooth keyboard that I am finally getting some use out of, and not rely on Gboard keyboard shortcuts. Another adjustment is a return to flow writing, where I let the errors fall where they may and I don't stress about wasting paper. And no, I'm not showing my age - vinyl records aren't the only things coming back, I see faux-leather bound journals, manual typewriters (like the ones I learned to type on back in the late 70s) while out in public, and social media posts about Calligraphy pens.

It is also commonplace to have a comments section. I was considering it but for once in my life, I'd like to say: "No, my thoughts are valid and I require a place to put them without the fear of push-back or censorship" - so no comments for now.

Look at that - that was a completely unhurried, uninterrupted train of thought that I successfully composed & posted. That felt nice.


The fascist elements on display in the USA are emboldening others to act out because they saw it on TV; they feel secure doing those things ...