In case you were wondering where the colour scheme came from. I'm this old. I started learning about computers with a Radio Shack Coco 2. That bright, green screen greeted you each time you switched it on unless there was a program pack plugged into the provided slot on the right of the unit. I cut my teeth on BASIC back in the day. Now I'm comfortable just about anywhere I land, I suppose.
I've had a long relationship with Facebook as a user, pretty much from their start. There was a time that having a dual Facebook/Twitter...
RSS feeds are a way to collect news sources that interest you. There are many ways to achieve this, from using an e-mail client to dedicated...
The last couple of weeks have culminated in blowing away my Windows 10 partition on my PC; and also updating Lineage OS on my Pixel 5. I...
I wanted to talk about how lately I've been signing more often while at home with my partner. I'm encouraging her to take her time a...